Salma Hayek sexy dance

Salma Hayek vampire (blog post)

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copyright Bear film review

Yes, gentlemen and ladies buckle up your seatbelts and set out for a thrilling ride of hilariousness! "copyright Bear" is an epic ride that is enjoyable in many way than just one. This movie is based on a "bear-y" true story and transforms it into an amusing horror comedy that'll leave you laughing, scratching your head, and wondering about your ch

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C.H.U.D. Movie Review

A cult classic from 1984, C.H.U.D. is the whimsical tale of a mutated race of people living below the streets in sewers and abandoned tunnels, whom occasionally like to bring folks down to their place for dinner. As the police learn of their existence, a horror movie plays out - but in this generic backdrop for a low budget horror movie, can it k

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